Dreams and Desires

For so very long, it has been a dream for me to make a positive impact on others; not just my friends and family, but far reaching and, dare I say, worldwide. God imparts unique gifts to us and gives us purpose and, as we discover that purpose, it wells up on the inside and it is up to us not to let it lie dormant. I totally understand fear, lack of confidence, procrastination and the insecurities that we allow to hold us back. They are so very real. Think about it; as of this writing, I am 66 years old and still discovering new ways to walk out this journey.

There is a spiritual war going on here and it can sometimes stop you in your tracks. Understand this though; just as God places dreams and purpose in your heart, there is a spiritual enemy looking to snatch it away from you so that your beautiful impact on this world, no matter how near of far reaching, will never be realized. It’s called spiritual warfare. One of the most impactful Bible verses in my earlier spiritual walk was II Corinthians 10:4-5, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (NKJV). This tells me that the enemy is al trying to take my mind away from, and my confidence in, the will of God for my life. What it also tells me; it’s gotta be really worthwhile. That’s the motivation to never give up. I also understand that the battle isn’t just in my mind, but also from the resistance that comes from the people around you. If God can use them to bless you, the enemy will also try his best to use them to discourage you. My two cents? Never stop. Don’t let him win. Remember this when you feel weak and tired in your heart…the battle is the Lord’s. You rest. Let Him fight. That what he wants to do. And, truth is, He ALWAYS wins.

Personal thought: You can’t bring your dreams to pass with “what ifs”. What if you don’t have the money? What if someone doesn’t support you? What if it doesn’t go the way you planned? It’s not your plan, it’s Gods plan and He placed it in your heart. It’s up to you to move and not put obstacles in His way by doubting and trying to figure it out on your own. #LetHimLead! #EraseAllDoubt  #GodProvides

Carry on…and may God Bless Your Journey!

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