Staying Well In Times of Stress

The shirt in this picture is one of my favorites. Positive mind, Positive energy, Positive life(that part is cut off in the pic). With all of the news and bad reports we have been inundated with recently regarding the Corona Virus or COVID-19 and with the prospect of it getting worse before it gets better, we can’t help but be in a constant battle with worry and stress. If it has affected you or someone you love directly, that can only make things worse. Of course those battles in our minds can have quite a negative effect on our bodies. Stress is one of the highest contributors to sickness and disease because it causes a breakdown in your body’s defenses. It can also cause us to make decisions that are counterintuitive to our health such as emotional eating or making wrong food choices. Believe me, I have been one to reach for the cookies or chips when I just wanted to feel better, only to find that I ended up adding more negative emotions such as guilt to what I was already battling. 

For some, this sheltering in place situation can be highly stressful due to the isolation and not having others around to diffuse negative feelings. This can be very tough for the aging population since many of them are homebound and depend on that interaction. My late mother-in-law relished her time spent at the senior day center she attended daily. For others it can be a time of worry regarding finances because they are unable to go to work to feed their families and pay bills. For others, it can be a time to refocus their lives and get some things accomplished that were put on the back burner. 

So let’s talk about maintaining, or maybe even improving our health, physically AND mentally during this time. Why not be proactive in this fight and not sit around to see what happens? On the physical side, we all know about eating well and exercising. This is really not the time to be stuck in front of your TV all day with junk food and soda. It’s time to go online and explore some of those great exercise programs on YouTube and other sites. It can be 10 minutes or an hour, easy or hard, invigorating or relaxing, for seniors or not, but it will always be helpful. My husband and I are in an area where we can still go for a walk around the neighborhood (practicing social distancing) to refresh ourselves and not feel cooped up. Fresh air is so helpful even if just opening windows for a little while and breathing deeply. Maybe even put on some music and just dance. Connect with friends and family through calls and visual media (FaceTime, Google Duo, Zoom, etc.), take up an online course or start an online business (lots of ways to start  for free). Meditate and pray. Download a meditation or prayer app, go online to connect with ministries or call a live prayer line.

Nutritionally, we MUST be proactive. Now’s the time to make fresh food, no matter how simple. A good, colorful diet is your first line of defense. Our bodies know exactly what to do with real, whole food. Stick to less sugary and unprocessed foods, even if they say they are healthy (they’re usually not) and that includes fast food no matter what the advertisements say. Salads can be a melting pot of great foods that are simple and whole. Nuts for snacks, fresh meats, chicken and seafood, and simple desserts (think berries with fresh cream or a low carb microwave mug cake made with almond or coconut flour). Healthy foods help to keep inflammation in check and over-inflammation leads to our health breaking down. There are soooo many ideas out there. Do your research (I mean, you DO have time right now!) I’ll be happy to help if you wish to contact me.

In another post, I will discuss supplements that may add an extra line of defense. In the meantime, stay well, stay protected and stay connected.

Be Blessed!

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